Razer Software Gave Me Some Random User Login? Updated FREE

Razer Software Gave Me Some Random User Login?

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  1. My current Razer ID changed all on its own to what seems to exist another user'southward ID, or some random ass name made of multiple words and a few numbers.

    Earlier today I was trying to participate in the Wuppo giveaway. First using Firefox, which had lots of login issues. Then I used Chrome, and was able to become it done in non much longer.

    After that, I installed and logged into Razer Syapse iii beta. Subsequently seeing information technology wasn't in a dark theme, I checked Primal to see if there was any adjustment. That's when I noticed the unexpected name by my avatar and profile.
    I have since checked here on Insider and the Razer ID page, both have my ID changed to the ane I practise not recognize. I have tried to change my ID back, and the system says it is unavailable.
    I have to presume somehow my name got swapped with somebody else'south.

    This is not the outset time I accept experienced similar errors on a decorated website, but it is withal quite disconcerting regardless. Hopefully none of my other info or data is swapped or accessible to somebody else.

    Suggest everybody check that there info is still unchanged.

    My name here and on the residuum of Razer is usually TreadLife ... not whatever the heck name it'due south showing at this moment.

  2. Thanks, just I have had a Razer ID for years.
    I'chiliad really on with back up chat now, and it appears a system update is affecting only OLDER accounts with this upshot.

    "Software Support:

    As I've checked here, in that location was a recent update on Razer that afflicted old accounts. It happened to be that your business relationship is one of them. But don't worry, please put a quotation mark (") at the beginning and stop of yout user ID.

    It'south due to the recent maintenance that our organization is randomly irresolute the user ID. What you tin exercise is to change information technology or if you desire to use the aforementioned Razer ID, please put a quotation marker (") at the showtime and at the cease of your Razer ID for it to work.

    This is just temporary. Information technology is due to the transition of the system from Synapse two.0 to iii.0."

    Last edited past a moderator: Nov 29, 2017
  3. ahhh weird! k, glad you lot take the problem nailed downwardly at least.
  4. my whole account got deleted and i still have no idea why or how it happened
  5. Damn, that really sucks, sorry to hear it.

    Did you take an older business relationship and endeavour out Synapse 3 ?

  6. Same thing happened to me, and I couldn't change my name.
  7. where did u practise the chane. information technology keeps tellin me the id has invalid characters
  8. https://razer-id.razerzone.com or directly in Razer Central, in the Profile section.

    Yous virtually certainly won't exist able to get your old name dorsum right now, you tin can contact support about information technology, only so far they haven't figured it out nevertheless. I inverse mine to something similar to my former name , with a few extra letters on it in the meanwhile.

  9. mine got messed up too.this no longer works, I just get " Error:Razer ID has invalid characters" when I put quotes effectually Heavyoak
    Last edited past a moderator: Dec xvi, 2017
  10. Sadly, information technology actually never worked. I tried it immediately after existence instructed to and it had the aforementioned event as when you did. So, instead I chose on my own to add the I in front of my usual name. They withal oasis't fabricated progress with the problem.
  11. mine was messed :/ had an active business relationship and information technology was deleted some how my accounts proper noun became ****er and man did it suck xD
  12. Then... this also is broken within Razer? :frown_:

    Tin't or won't prepare it? Only 5 employees on staff? Non keen customer support... but I guess I was warned earlier I bought my Razer product.

  13. kajira

    kajira Female parent of Gaming

    I just desire to comment regarding yous maxim that this also is broken ... I've seen perchance v people take issues with their names not being fixed through the means provided on the primary RazerID page, out of the 500,000+ Insider members. So, realistically, this ist a huge issue, is just a very small select few.
  14. there now claiming in the latest support e-mail that this is a effect with my computer and not the website.
  15. Razer's departments aren't well connected. You lot have to contact razer wolf or gwynnbleid for any forum issues. The site'south support staff have no jurisdiction or clue here and volition never transfer yous to the appropriate channels.

    One-half or more of Razer's problems are due to the poor back up system infrastructure. They lack cohesiveness and only the correct person has the ability to fix whatever given trouble, then you accept to poke them until you're at the right person.

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Razer Software Gave Me Some Random User Login?


Source: https://insider.razer.com/index.php?threads/razor-id-mysteriously-changed-today.28404/

Posted by: carlmostion.blogspot.com



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